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  • Writer's pictureBlake VanAlstine

Forced Child Marriages

Updated: Mar 11, 2019

Ajwang'Warria, states, "The Report of the UN Secretary General (2006) indicates that in forced marriages, one of the parties (usually the younger one) lacks the free and valid consent. In this paper, early, forced and child marriages will be used synonymously, because in most instances early and/or forced marriages mainly involve children. It should be recognized that legally children cannot give consent and they are incapable of understanding the implications of such a long-term decision to marry. In addition, children lack autonomy, independence and/or the maturity required to consent to marriage." Forced child marriages are not uncommon in these kinds of communities. Children are young, and often are young girls, naturally these girls will do exactly as they are told. If that means marrying a man twice her age because her parents said she had too, she will marry him. The young girl does not want to disappoint her family. Pleasing her father and her family are at the forefront of her upbringing. It is now her duty to serve her new husband through whatever means he asks of her. Often this is a lifetime of unwanted sex acts and abuse, (Warria).

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